Botanical Medicine
Medicinal plants have been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. Botanical medicine can be dispensed as a pill, tincture, tea, suppository or as a topical preparation.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that follows the doctrine, "like cures like". Homeopathic remedies are diluted from a plant, animal or mineral source. The remedy is chosen that matches the totality of the patients symptoms best.
Nutritional Medicine
The foods we eat have a huge impact on our health, nutritional medicine involves finding the right diet for a person, along with the use of supplements and vitamins. This may include allergy and/or food sensitivity testing.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient form of medicine that has been around for 2,000 years. Acupuncture and herbs are used to help the body regain balance by manipulating the movement of Qi (energy) though the various organ channels.
Stress reduction techniques
Customized stress reduction plan that utilizes modalities such as guided meditation, meditation coaching, lifestyle counselling, acupuncture, breathing techniques, and PEMF technology.
Intravenous Therapeutics
IV vitamin therapy delivers high doses of vitamins, minerals and amino acids intravenously, in combinations to help treat a variety of conditions including low energy, anxiety, sleep disturbance, stress and immune weakness. By administering intravenously the body is able to receive these important nutrients at high doses to support the body faster and more efficiently.